Generator Installation

Affordable Generator Installation for Hamburg, NY

The changing seasons in Western New York can bring varying weather conditions.
You never know when heavy winds may cause tree branches to break or lighting might strike to cause power outages. No matter the time of year, it’s crucial to be prepared in case a prolonged power outage affects your town. 

A new generator can provide you with the power source you need to get by until your power is restored, but how do you know which size is right for your home? Click here to read an article from Consumer Reports on the sizes and types of generators that can power your specific needs.

Our technicians at Timm Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. can provide you with additional information about what generator is the best for you. Make sure we’re the first company that comes to mind when you would like to install a new portable or stationary generator.
Generator Installation Hamburg, NY

Contact us today to discuss your options for a new generator installation!

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